Hey Mountainside family!
While the cabins and property were largely spared from the effects of the flooding and damage from the hurricane, our beloved town was not.
With that being said, we are not able to offer the cabins as nightly rentals for the foreseeable future. Resources for the folks who live here are limited and having people here for a vacation will put unneeded strain on an already fragile system.
Many people in the area have lost their homes, and others need affordable housing, so for the foreseeable future most of our cabins will be occupied by long term tenants.
However, we will keep one cabin available for folks who will be here working / volunteering in town during the rebuilding process. Contact us directly if you want to help and need a place to stay as we have taken the cabins off Airbnb.
Visit www.hotspringsrecovery.com to sign up to volunteer - Thursday - Sunday.
Keep up with our recovery on Youtube www.youtube.com/@mountainsidewithkenandamy

Please consider helping us through the rebuilding, transition and through the winter months. Not only will it help us keep the bills paid, it will help the folks who are staying with us long term. How is that you ask? We had individual donors cover utilities for everyone staying with us for the month of September, and for that, all of us staying at Mountainside are very grateful. Let us know if you might want to assist in this capacity.
@kenamykashuba - venmo - 0598
$amykashuba - cashapp
Amazon Wish List
Hey Friends!
This is from the Town of Hot Springs: "Hot Springs NC friends and family - If you'd like to continue to help, we are at the point where monetary donations are more meaningful and easy to manage." Truly, the town has an abundance of supplies and we need some time to distribute them and use them. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You can donate monetarily to the Solid Rock Full Gospel Church / James White Pastor via this link.
Funding for these businesses may be coming down the line but it will take time - PLEASE consider donating so they can keep up with the mortgage payment and start to rebuild!
- The Town of Hot Springs, NC
- Friends of Hot Springs Library
- Hot Springs Resort & Spa
- Hot Springs Rafting Company
- Gentry Hardware - @gentryhardware (Venmo)
- Vaste Riviere Provisions - scalloway1027 (venmo and cashapp)
- Artisun Gallery and Cafe
- Big Pillow Brewing
- Spring Creek Hotel - David Wagner
- Iron Horse Station - @Karen-Howard-Goss (venmo)
- Vinyl Pies Pizza - @vinylpiespizza (venmo)

And though we are not a business in town that was damaged, our main source of income has ceased with tourism being shut down indefinitely. Could use a little love while we step back and regroup. More info on that to come.
Mountainside Homestead
@kenamykashuba (venmo)
$amykashuba (cashapp)